inDANCE at the Music Garden (2008)


One of the blessed aspects of making dance is watching the interpreters light up the audience with joy, when the intention of the work is exactly that.

Continuing our celebration of 20 years in dance, here are excerpts from one of our favorites.

In 2008, inDANCE was commissioned by Harbourfront Centre, to create a site-specific work at the scenic, verdant, Music Garden, a gorgeous oasis surrounded by the waterfront on one side and Toronto’s downtown skyscraper skyline on the other.

It was a perfect summer evening.
inDANCE’s mesmerizing Nalin Bisnath and magical Hiroshi Miyamoto, inspired by our superb master-musicians, made the whole garden sing…..

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Photography: Miles Brokenshire, Photo Design: John Elmore

Hari Krishnan