Skin Redux (2019)


Skin (2019)


Skin is an intimate queer inter-racial duet. It started to emerge as a tactile story experienced by ‘gay-Greek-Gods’ indulging their five senses, in a manner of speaking!  While researching Hari Krishnan's academic course, Queering the Dancing Body from multiple global perspectives with his students at Wesleyan University, he accumulated this cache of materials pregnant with the promise of a solid gay themed work.


He found commonalities in the ‘rites of passage’ experiences in their personal lives and mine evolving as crucial components of our art making process.  To start creating Skin, as a gay man of South Asian origin, he limited himself to significant moments/events in his gay life journey, from the many that he explored, which hooked him because they were unique and visually feasible to manifest through dance.


This 2019 version of Skin explores ideas of Difference/Desire, Power/Pain/Pleasure and Love/Lust.

The pre-show is inspired by notions of fantastic beasts meeting and texting on a whimsical beach...


April 26-27, 2019, CFA Theater, Wesleyan University, Connecticut


May 11 and 12, 2019 in New York City as part of La MaMa Moves! Festival.

Choreography: Hari Krishnan
Dancers: Paul Charbonneau and Roney Lewis

Original Music Composition: Niraj Chag
Lighting Design: John Carr
Costume/Visual Design: Rex (Rajavairan Rajendran)

Costume Construction: Tarami

Technology Design: Chelsie McPhilimy

Technology Design Execution: Tara Mohan

Premiere: Buddies in Bad Times, Toronto, May 2014

Hari Krishnan