Dear friends,

Staying calm and carrying on sounds trite. I totally get that. 

These are scary times, and the news and situation seem to change almost hourly. All of us are grappling with the impact of the Coronavirus on our organizations, programs and most of all in our everyday lives. 

When things are feeling hopeless, I like to make myself feel better by thinking of what we CAN do….

DANCE is my go-to sanctuary whenever my world is shaken up.

Art is often a soothing balm in rocky times. 

Art has also historically preserved what fact-based historical records cannot: how it felt to exist in a particular place at a particular time. Art is also a wonderful distraction from the news cycle. Let’s continue to make art. Even the pain that we feel at times like this can turn into poignant expressions of art in various media. 

No one may ever get to see this art born of troubled times, but that doesn’t in any way diminish its potency because you are feeling it, living it and WILL overcome the turmoil of the moment…

We artists are resilient ‘shit-kickers’, if nothing else!!

Because, at the core, one does not cease to be an artist, despite the shitty realities of life….

To our fellow artists:

If you are overwhelmed YOU need to PRIORITIZE YOURSELF.


We see you and we value you. And—if you have a sliver of energy—I hope you'll find creative ways to share it with others. 

inDANCE and I are working on how best to contribute to this endeavour. (Please stay tuned.)

Many community organizations and individuals are struggling right now. If we can be good partners to each other, we can help each other through this. This is a time for COMPASSION above all else…

As we move through this crisis, I wish you and your family good health. I wish you and your family peace, safety, and strength. We're all in this together.

Looking forward,

Hari Krishnan


I’d like to share this excerpt from inDANCE’s QUICKSAND, performed at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre (Toronto) in 2014. 



Quicksand is a contemporary exploration of nine archetypal emotions (Navarasa), utilized in popular representations of Indian dance. This vignette explores the emotion of Compassion. Ironically, the Sanskrit word for compassion is ‘Karuna’, so dangerously close to the nemesis of the moment, the virus named Corona…..

Dancers: Paul Charbonneau, Peter Hessel, Gerry King, Jelani Ade-Lam, Sze-Yang Ade-Lam, Ryan Lee, Roney Lewis, Matthew Montgomery and Matt Owen

Music Composition: Niraj Chag

Photography: Miles Brokenshire