It’s About Time!: Galvanizing Non-European Dance Pedagogy in the Academy (Oct 15, 2021)
Inspired by his work with inDANCE, Hari Krishnan had presented a paper, entitled, Pedagogical Protests- Teaching Bharatanatyam at Wesleyan” as part of the recent DSA (Dance Studies Association). He presented the paper along with his colleagues Joya Powell and Iddi Saaka the ne’er an overarching panel entitled, "It’s About Time!: Galvanizing Non-European Dance Pedagogy in the Academy" focusing on the uniqueness of Wesleyan's Dance Department and unpacking the ways they individually teach.
The panel not only had an overwhelmingly large attendance, but their presentations were followed by an energetic and robust discussion about equity, towards a more progressive representation of diversity and labor in the dance sector and beyond, strategies on how to document complexity and the urgency to dismantle outdated categories. There were so many fascinating questions and DSA folks were very impressed with Wesleyan’s one-of-a-kind (truly!) global dance program. inDANCE continues to inform Hari’s pedagogical experimentations at Wesleyan University.